Friday, December 08, 2006

Blackdot Finds Religion

A church client of mine has been working with agents from Md7 and from Blackdot who have both represented that they are assigned the churches whom are being pitched to reduce their lease rate for existing cell site leases.

The Md7 agent referenced his religious background as support for why the deal he was negotiating with my client was a good deal.

My client paraphrased the most recent discussion with Blackdot's agent who stated that he gets all the churches because his boss knows that he "has a passion for Christ."

Clearly, I can't speak to whether either individual is religious or actually believes that they are doing the right thing by negotiating lease reductions from churches that have no risk of losing their lease. I hope that they aren't simply trying to use religious connection as a means of "connecting" to the lessors. If they are- I hope their God is a forgiving one.


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