Cell Tower Info Blog
Saturday, July 25, 2009
A Blog by Steel in the Air- featuring stories and rumors (possibly unsubstantiated) about the cell tower industry and recent news with commentary. Also anecdotal information gathered in the course of consulting with landowners on cell tower leases.
About Me
- Name: Steel in the Air
- Location: Fort Myers, Florida, United States
Previous Posts
- This blog has moved
- Questionable Negotiating Tactics of Cell Tower Con...
- Municipal Lease Negotiations- When Cities Underval...
- Vandals Collapse Tower with Excavator
- Wireless Costs Around the Globe
- <!-- Begin BlogToplist tracker code --><!-- End Bl...
- Which Stealth Cell Tower is more Stealthy?
- Crossroads Wireless- Bankruptcy!
- T-Mobile Cell Tower Construction On Hold.
- Top 10 Pieces of Advice for Landowners
- January 2005
- February 2005
- March 2005
- April 2005
- July 2005
- August 2005
- September 2005
- October 2005
- December 2005
- January 2006
- February 2006
- April 2006
- May 2006
- August 2006
- October 2006
- November 2006
- December 2006
- June 2007
- July 2007
- August 2007
- September 2007
- November 2007
- December 2007
- February 2008
- March 2008
- April 2008
- May 2008
- September 2008
- October 2008
- January 2009
- February 2009
- April 2009
- May 2009
- June 2009
- July 2009
- August 2009
- September 2009
- January 2010
- February 2010
- March 2010
- Current Posts